4 Bunnies out of 5.
SYNOPSIS: An unsuspecting couple are being watched by Cupid, who has his bow and arrow at the ready...
This story is taken from SM's salvaged anthology "Flash!" For those of you who don't know the background to this book, it was originally supposed to be published by a publisher who closed up shop before it saw completion. Fortunately for us readers, Chris Bartholomew saved the day and brought this book into the world and gave us the tale "Cupid, Playing." A snappy little piece of flash fiction, Goldman presents us with a portrait of a character we are all familiar with and turns it on its head. Yes, okay, it's a format we've seen before - inverting the norm - but by using the character of Cupid, it's quite fun to imagine a thousand crummy Valentines cards being metaphorically set on fire.
Anyway, onto the actual writing itself, even if the tale was about Cupid simply seeking out a couple to match up, it would still be beautifully begun. The build-up is just so wonderfully cheesy and corny, as the couple proclaim their love for one another. I don't want to reveal the twist but let me just say that it's pretty much what I've often wished would actually happen during almost every romantic comedy I've ever watched. Bam.
Due to the fact that this is a flash piece, I'm struggling not to reveal what the twist is. However, what I will say is that this story gives us exactly what flash is supposed to - a twist in the tale. It's enjoyable and fun and totally worth a read. The great thing about this anthology is that it's a whole collection of pieces like Goldman's and to think that it almost didn't get published is almost as scary as some of the stories in it. Thank the stars for Static Movement and for Kenneth Goldman for submitting his story to this fantastic wee book.
THOUGHTS FROM THE RABBIT HOLE: A snappy little twist in the tale piece which turns the Cupid image on its head.
Well done Ken!!!
Lotsaluv, Em